Whether it is because you ‘get’ the World After Midnight idea and want to spread it. Or because you want to be part of the QUBE Advocate program with a share of what we gain Or because you too realise that of the all the competitive advantages organisations could have, learning is one of the most powerful, and difficult for competitors to notice or copy. Or because you just love working with friends and colleagues on QUBE. Or because you want to save the planet from the over 20% of fossil fuel which goes into moving people (atoms) around instead of moving electrons. Or some other reason, we thank you for helping us spread QUBE.
People Create change People Constrain Change
Obeng’s 3rd Law of Change:
This page is for you! We’ve summarised the key learnings we have discovered in in spreading QUBE. There are useful links, assets and more. A really useful document is the Executive Summary one pager which you can download as a .pdf
Connect with other QUBE evangelists in the hub-Q | New World Cafe.
Tweet @QUBEcc #QUBEcc or follow us.
‘Spy’ at any time to see who’s live on QUBE.
Let’s do the right thing. Let’s make the work different and better. Let’s save the world.
Dos and Don’ts
Let them think of QUBE as ‘software’ or ‘a platform’ of a ‘meeting place’. It really is an embodiment of World After Midnight culture & behaviour.
Show them QUBE on a screen without insisting that they at least ‘drive’ the qubot
Show them qubots (avatars) or qubicles (rooms) without first explaining why they are simple, and look basic. E.g. The qubicles have the minimum furniture to help you move easily. The walls are different colours (with vertical lines) to make it easier for your brain to know where you are standing. The qubots allow diversity of users without pre-conceptions (boss/subordinate, tall/short, male/female etc) and remember you may be good looking but everyone loves a smiley.
Tell them remarkable things about QUBE:
- on average work is done in half the time with a cost of half the resources
- the square feet of rooms (qubicles) on QUBE is equivalent to FIVE times the Empire state building
- the energy saved on an average QUBE meeting (qall) would heat and light an average UK house for 400 days.
- After only fifteen minutes 98% of people forget they are looking at a flat computer screen and not in an actual room with others. After only 3 visits 92% report feeling very comfortable “Three Strikes and you’re in!”
Use the analogy of QUBE being another world, like Narnia to introduce QUBE. Insist it’s not a tool, platform, system or solution
Discuss real challenges e.g. innovation acceleration, Senor executive engagement in change, knowledge sharing…
Remind them how hard it is for people returning from a workshop, away-day or course, to transfer and embed the learning with colleagues.
Remind them how impossible it is to maintain momentum for execution after a kick-off, conference or meeting.
Remember how Steve Jobs introduced the iphone. He used analogies of three things people recognised to describe something they had never experienced. Do the same with QUBE Use this Poster.
Compare Pentacle’s QUBE with other Management Development and Business Development approaches Use this poster.
Why it’s disruptive: Slideshow as .pdf
How It Works: QUBE One hour workshop (worqshop) in a minute Video
How It Works: QUBE 30 minute meeting (qall) in a minute Video
Wolters Kluwer Innovation Competition QUBE submission Video
Telefonica Case Story
NHS Cases by Mark Blayney
Inspiration on QUBE. Shows a novice presenter and mix of new and seasoned qubists getting value by learning about influencing
LEGO’s David Gram on Innovation
Sales guru Geoff Burch on influence
Short blog on attending an inspiration monthly by Mark Blayney
Day in the life (2mins) compares a day on QUBE to a day in a normal commuter’s life Watch here
Social Media QUBE Icons
Pentacle: @PentacleTheVBS Blog – NewWorldTimes
Eddie Obeng: @Eddie Obeng Blog – Imagine-A-Fish On TED introducing QUBE
Why QUBE?: World After Midnight
Frequently Asked Questions/ Presentations
List of the top 20 FAQ’s and Due Diligence Questions with answers here