


Let’s look at what has shifted to create our New World.

Links to materials:





So, I can start you off, three big phase changes have happened at around the same time

Have you noticed that more and more you hear bout stuff you don’t have a clue about? Crypto currencies #AI, Anti-body Dependent Enhancement… are on the big list and in your own life you’ll have many more in your personal list.

Have you noticed that the rush to digitise as much of your life as possible means you spend more time being apart from people who you are with than vice versa?

Have you noticed how once we talked in sums of money, we could understand but now even small projects are off our experience scale.  Social norms could be anticipated, and a range of behaviours predicted from people and institutions but now often you are surprised?

Spend some time making a list of your  Surprises

Now let’s bring in one of my favourite PETs


QwikGuide ActionReplay PET    Download ActionReplay PET

Use last week’s work to complete the Left side:  What made us successful in the past

Now Pause – have a break… a walk… a meal… a laugh…

Now consider what is going to be needed to make us successful int eh future

Have a go at the right-hand column

My guess is the lists will be different with about 7-15% the same on both sides.

We’ll need this next week as we turn your ActionReplay and POINT PETs into a concrete vision of the future.



Next week we’ll be looking at your dreams and visions and how to get started.

You can get a step ahead by spending your week reading popular articles, blogs and posts of the future or listening to pundits on the media and noting carefully why the visions you are being told are unappealing.