Current Version v3.1 Released November 2014
QUBE Learn
- Learn&Do Approach is retained
- Integration of Human Transformation (behaviour, learning, new culture) and Digital/WAM Transformation (technology processes)
- New QUBE launcher in tray and on Apple menu bar allows instant access to tutors, qubicles, organisation, and colleagues
- New PETs Library containing hundreds of World After Midnight tools in a single click. New icon!
- New qubicles for Innovation Acceleration, delivering Perfect Projects, Leading Virtual Teams and much more
- Need to hang-out meet people on the off chance? New World Cafe has faster access
- New KatchUp PET for making working across time zones seamless
- Need to know who’s around? Launcher lists your contacts so you can go directly to them with one click
- New Do Not Disturb option with countdown timer so you get reconnected even if you forget to! Supports ‘always on’ feature which makes you constantly connected to the world
- Rapidly QL (QUBE Leap) from one organisation to another
- Updated to work with tablet PC’s intuitively (Sorry ipad processor isn’t up to it 🙁 ). New compass Navigator in the bottom middle of the screen- click and hold to reveal
- Keeping track on a project? Using “One Version of the Truth” makes coordinating groups easier
- Need to have an instant worqshop with colleagues? Invite them to a QwikMeet.
- Working with visually impaired colleagues? New Sticky notes with Re-size note and Shift-Re-size note to make the text larger
- Want to make people feel more of a team? Use New ‘Gather in circle’ place
- Need to draw to explain? New SqetchIt drawing board – works with your mouse, a pen mouse or your Wacom tablet
- Sustainability and CSR important to you? New Carbon calculator tells you tonnes of carbon saved, number of tree equivalent
- Effectiveness and efficiency important to you? New Carbon calculator tells you hours of flight time saved and hours of driving
- No time to join a qubicle but want to leave a document or spreadsheet for a colleague? Drag&Drop the file into the live picture window in the lobby
- Want to know what’s new in a qubicle? Look in the Lobby for the qubicle summary
- Advanced menus using Right click/ CMD click
- Silent upgrade downloader to keep you up-to-date without interrupting your work
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