Faster, Better, Cheaper and normally impossible!
Speed: 6 months to 6 weeks
Financial Payback: Reduced from several years to 4 months
Engagement: Global Team alignment
Collaboration: Involvement of regional and national teams avoided resistance to change
Learning: Agile organisation design skills and Change & Project delivery skills
Corporate Social Responsibility: 100,000 miles of travel saved!
- equivalent to 67 hours of driving time per person
- equivalent to 21 hours flown per person
- equivalent to 48.5 tonnes of carbon
- equivalent to 243 mature trees
In the client’s words
“The Pentacle programme has helped to change my way of working with the WK HR team and to be in a more direct and personal relationship with members what is more effective for creativity and sharing of experiences than the old way (working by email in a top down way).”
The Challenge
The Global HR function needed to support the success of the firm by supporting key
leaders, initiating delivery on new challenge areas and providing and policies
The HR Function identified a number of key areas where significant progress
had to be made quickly, i.e. :
Removing blockers e.g. Increasing efficiency – through effective regional
sharing of expertise e.g. CoE cross region, enhancing workflows and
increasing value and removing value blockers
Identifying and delivering on needs e.g. More effective business
partnering to deliver unmet needs
Changing the game e.g. Catalysing innovation through the business
How the QUBE solution wins

Click to Enlarge for Detail:
Top- Traditional conference calls, kick off meetings etc
Bottom- QUBE Learn+Do Up-skilling workshops, application with local team, collaboration.
Fast-Tracked Global Human Resources Project