Don’t make others resent your presence
You need a good quality headset and mic.
QUBE is a “natural” environment so everyone can speak to everyone else. We are not restricted to text or only one person talking like WebEx.
You will need to be able to hear and speak to other people. For this you will need a headset. Everyone else will have one. If you choose to use the built-in mic or speakers (unless they have excellent noise cancellation) everyone else hears echoes and background noise … and it’s terrible for them!
How to check if they can hear you on QUBE:
No need to keep asking “Can you hear me?” like you do on a conference or skype call or other digital media – Just look at the icon next to your name to see if you can be heard.
Don’t have a headset?
Using a PC?
Minimum requirements – Processor: Intel Pentium II or above | RAM: ≥ 1GB recommended | Screen resolution: ≥ 1024×768 | Graphics: OpenGL v1.3 or later | Operating System: MS Windows XP or later (QUBE will also function on a top-end windows tablet)
Using a Mac?
Minimum requirements – Processor: Intel-based Mac | RAM: ≥ 1GB recommended | Screen resolution: ≥ 1024×768 | Graphics: OpenGL v1.3 or later | Operating System: Mac OS X 10.7 to 10.14
IMPORTANT: As of Mac OS X 10.15 (Catalina), Apple have made changes that have broken how many programs, including QUBE, work on Macs. We are working on fixing this as soon as we can, but in the meantime Mac users running Catalina or a later operating system should contact for alternative installation instructions
QUBE Technical Requirements pdf
On a Mac? Download QUBE Mac Instructions